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Un concours réservé aux femmes ? Alors que certain.e.s crient à la discrimination positive (nous préférons d'ailleurs chez ComposHer le terme anglais "affirmative action"), nous y voyons surtout une fabuleuse opportunité pour les 12 cheffes sélectionnées d'intégrer des réseaux qui leur sont encore trop fermés, voire de créer les leurs !

En quelques questions, nous avons proposé aux cheffes sélectionnées de parler de leur parcours : pour leur donner la parole, montrer leur diversité, et montrer leur présence.

Dossier réalisé en partenariat avec


Pologne, 26 ans

What made you want to be a conductor, and when did you start conducting?

Orchestra is the most beautiful instrument for me, which lets me achieve the biggest possible tone or expression contrasts. It is obvious that I wanted to „play it”.

At the beginning the idea of being a conductor was only just a timid dream. I passed entrance exams for conducting major, and began to study it conscientiously at the Academy of Music. It was the second year (2014 - 2015) which brought my first concert, the first contact with a genuine ensemble. It quickly became clear to me, that a possibility of work with an orchestra, common creation of music with members of band can be very addictive… A specific feeling appears, that you begin to miss this cooperation so fast when it’s not there. Fortunately after the first one quickly came the next. Despite that preparation of the concert is something demanding, sometimes exhausting, (especially when it comes to work with unprofessional orchestras and organizational tasks that need to be handled) it is at the same time something which gives me energy for living… Fortunately since 2016 I was able to begin regular work as a conductor - primarily with a school orchestra, but since 2018 also as an assistant conductor in Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz. Being a conductor not only develops myself as a musician but also as a person. It allows me to be a better version of myself in many situations.

What is your favorite work to conduct?

There is no such piece of work… but maybe it is good? There is a lot of music pieces that I personally appreciate. I also like to go back to the pieces which I’ve already conducted. There is always a new element which you can put your attention on, or simply change something about it. This makes me feel like the music „matures” inside of me. Maybe it's hard to be surprised - after all, I approach any piece as a person with slightly different experience…

What do you hope the contest will achieve for your career?

First of all - I don’t take this competition as a fight for the podium. For me it is a huge distinction to be here, in Paris, standing before such an amazing orchestra and having an ability to meet so many amazing people from this conducting community. It is like touching heaven. The experience of participation in the Competition awakes strength and desire for further exploration, inner development, moving this good into my little world which I live in everyday. It is a very important comparison in which I can know myself better. If I am able to  draw a conclusion correctly from everything I've experienced here, then I’ll „win” something the most important.

If the promotion connected to La Maestra helps me in the future to receive any invitations to conduct concerts or to participate in other artistic events it would be like my dreams come true.

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